產品: 6公升真空煲 – 外攜型 (午夜藍) (TCRA-6000-MDB) 6L Shuttle Chef (Outdoor) – Midnight Blue
零售點: THERMOS 網上商店: https://www.thermos.com.hk/product-ca...
THERMOS專門店: www.thermos.com.hk/store1/
〖 紅棗木耳雞湯 〗 【材料】 雞 1/2隻 紅棗 4-6粒 黑木耳 2-3片 薑片 2片 鹽 適量 料酒 適量 水 1000毫升
【步驟】 1)將雞洗淨切件,加入料酒汆燙。 2)黑木耳用清水浸泡,切塊備用。 3)將所有材料放入內鍋中,用大火煮滾約10分鐘,蓋上鍋蓋。 4)將內鍋放入外鍋內 , 蓋上蓋後炆烘 30 分鐘即成。 5)飲用前加入鹽調味。
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〖 鯖魚炊飯 〗 【材料】 鯖魚 1/2條 椰菜花 1/2個 蒜蓉 1茶匙 本菇 70克 醬油 1/2杯 味醂 1/2杯 水 1杯 蔥粒 適量
【步驟】 1)椰菜花洗淨,切碎。 2)開大火,將鯖魚兩面煎至金黃,搗碎備用。 3)開中細火,將蒜蓉爆香。 4)下椰菜花、本菇,兜炒均勻。 5)下醬油、味醂、水,攪拌均勻,然後放入鯖魚碎,蓋上鍋蓋。 6)將內鍋放入外鍋內 , 蓋上蓋後炆烘 30 分鐘即成。 7)食用前可撒上蔥粒。
〖Chicken with Red Date and Dried Wood Ear Mushroom Soup〗 〖Ingredients〗 1/2 Chicken 4-6 Red Dates 2-3 pieces of Dried Wood Ear Mushroom 2 slices of Ginger Salt as appropriate Cooking Wine in moderation Water 1000ml
〖Steps〗 1) Wash the chicken, cut into pieces, add cooking wine and blanch. 2) Soak the Dried Wood Ear Mushroom in water and cut into pieces for later use. 3) Put all the ingredients into the inner pot, boil in high heat for 10 minutes, and cover the pot. 4) Place the inner pot into the outer pot, cover and bake for 30 minutes. 5) Put salt before enjoy the soup. .
〖Mackerel with Rice〗
〖Ingredients〗 Mackerel 1/2 piece 1/2 Cauliflower Minced Garlic 1 tsp Osmanthus 70g 1/2 cup soy sauce Mirin 1/2 cup Water 1 cup Green onions appropriate amount
〖Steps〗 1) Wash and chop the cauliflower. 2) Turn to high heat and fry the mackerel on both sides until golden brown, mash and set aside. 3) Turn to medium-low heat and saute the minced garlic until fragrant. 4) Add broccoli florets and mushrooms and stir-fry evenly. 5) Add soy sauce, mirin, and water, stir evenly, then add minced mackerel and cover the pot. 6) Place the inner pot into the outer pot, cover and bake for 30 minutes. 7) Sprinkle with green onion and Enjoy!
#thermoshk #真空煲食譜 #真空煲 #紅棗木耳雞湯 #鯖魚炊飯 #健康低碳 #lowcarbrecipes #Shuttlechef