產品: 食物保溫套裝: (寶藍色300毫升食物盒X2 , JBT 400毫升真空食物罐 X1 (白/ 黑/ 粉紅))
零售點: THERMOS 網上商店: https://www.thermos.com.hk/product-ca…
THERMOS專門店: www.thermos.com.hk/store1/
【柚子蝦沙律】 〖 主材料 〗 沙田柚 250克 蒜頭 3粒 大蝦 6隻 紫洋蔥 1/4個 洋蔥 1/4個 炸乾蔥 適量 炸蒜片 適量 花生碎 適量 芫荽 適量 辣椒 1隻 魚露 2湯匙 椰漿 4湯匙 椰糖 1湯匙 青檸 1個
〖步驟〗 柚子去皮去衣 , 取肉 紫洋蔥 、 洋葱切絲 , 蒜頭切碎 , 備用 蝦洗淨瀝乾 , 煎至兩面金黃 , 備用 用中火爆香蒜蓉 、 辣椒 , 再加入椰汁 、 糖 、 魚露和青檸汁拌勻 , 盛起放涼 將洋葱絲 、 柚子肉 、 蝦 、 醬汁拌勻 撒上炸乾葱碎 、 炸蒜片 、 花生碎和芫荽 , 即成
【泰式豬頸肉】 〖 主材料 〗 豬頸肉 1片(約300克) 〖 醃料 〗 檸檬葉 1片 紅蔥頭 1湯匙 芫荽 1湯匙 香茅 1/2枝 老抽 1湯匙 生抽 1湯匙 魚露 1湯匙 黑糖 1湯匙 蒜蓉 1湯匙 胡椒粉 1/2茶匙
〖 醬汁 〗 青檸汁 2湯匙 魚露 2湯匙 椰糖 15克 指天椒 1隻(切碎) 芫荽 1湯匙 蒜頭 3 乾蔥頭 1湯匙
〖步驟〗 檸檬葉 、 紅蔥頭 、 芫荽切碎 , 香茅拍扁 所有醃料拌勻後放入豬頸肉醃 5 小時 氣炸鍋調至 180 度 , 放入後氣炸 10 分鐘 , 翻面再焗 5 分鐘 取出後切件 再將所有醬汁材料拌勻 , 伴碟便成 ==========
【泰式生菜包】 〖 主材料 〗 免治豬肉 500克 生菜 適量 紅蔥頭 4粒 (切碎) 南薑 1小塊(切碎) 指天椒 2隻(切碎) 香茅 1支(切碎) 檸檬葉 4片(切絲) 魚露 2茶匙 青檸 1個 黑糖 1湯匙
〖 醃肉 〗 胡椒粉 1茶匙 魚露 2茶匙 生粉 1茶匙
〖步驟〗 免治豬肉用魚露 、 胡椒粉和生粉醃製 炒香紅蔥頭 、 南薑 、 香茅後 ,下豬肉炒至熟透 加入魚露 、 糖 、 指天椒 、 檸檬葉 、 青檸調味及兜炒 享用時 , 以生菜包裹即成
Pomelo Shrimp Salad 〖Main Ingredients〗 Pomelo 250g Garlic cloves 3pcs Prawns 6 pcs Purple onion 1/4 Onion 1/4 Fried dried onions appropriate amount Fried garlic slices appropriate amount Chopped peanuts appropriate amount Coriander appropriate amount Chili pepper 1 pcs Fish sauce 2 tablespoons Coconut milk 4 tablespoons Coconut sugar 1 tablespoon Lime 1pcs
〖Steps 〗Peel and coat the Pomelo and remove the flesh Shred purple onion , onion, Then, mince garlic and keep in reserve Wash and drain the shrimps, cook until golden brown on both side , keep in reserve Stir-fry minced garlic and chili over medium heat. Then, add coconut milk, sugar, fish sauce and lime juice, mix well, scoop up and let it cool. Shred the mix onion, pomelo flesh, shrimp and sauce evenly. Sprinkle with chopped fried shallots, fried garlic slices, chopped peanuts and coriander, and serve
Thai Pork jowl meat 〖Main Ingredients〗 1 slice of Pork jowl meat 300g
〖 Marinade 〗 Lemon leaf 1pcs Red onion 1 tablespoon Coriander 1 tablespoon Lemongrass 1/2 branch Dark soy sauce 1 tablespoon Light soy sauce 1 tablespoon Fish sauce 1 tablespoon Brown sugar 1 tablespoon Minced garlic 1 tablespoon Pepper 1/2 teaspoon
〖 Sauce 〗 Lime juice 2 tablespoons Fish sauce 2 tablespoons Coconut sugar 15g Chilli padi (chopped)1pcs Coriander 1 tablespoon Garlic 3pcs Dried onion 1 tablespoon
〖Steps 〗 Chop lemon leaves, shallots, coriander, and flatten lemongrass Mix all the marinade ingredients and marinate the Pork jowl meat for 5 hours. Adjust the air fryer to 180℃, put it in and air fry for 10 minutes, turn over and bake for another 5 minutes Remove and cut into pieces. Then mix all the sauce ingredients evenly and serve on a plate.
Thai Lettuce Wrap 〖Main Ingredients〗 Minced pork 500g Lettuce appropriate amount Red onions (chopped) 4pcs Small piece of galangal (chopped) 1pcs Chilli padi (chopped) 2pcs Lemongrass (chopped) 1pc Lemon leaves (cut into strips) 4pcs Fish sauce 2 tablespoon Lime 1pcs Brown sugar 1 tablespoon
〖 Cured meat 〗 Pepper 1 tsp Fish Sauce 2 tsp Cornstarch 1 tsp
〖Steps 〗 Marinated the minced pork in fish sauce, pepper and cornstarch. Saute the shallots, galangal and lemongrass until fragrant, then add the pork and stir-fry until cooked through. Add fish sauce, sugar, chilli padi, lemon leaves, lime to taste and stir-fry. Finally, serve and wrap with lettuce to enjoy the meal!
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