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【飯盒食譜Lunch Box Recipe🍱 簡易日式便當 Japanese Bento】

✨產品 Product : 食物保溫套裝- (薄荷綠色食物盒+ 真空食物罐+保溫袋)
Thermal Lunch Box Set Set A- (Mint Green Food container + Vacuum Food Jar + Insulation Bag)

📍零售點: THERMOS 網上商店eShop: https://www.thermos.com.hk/……/%e9…
THERMOS專門店Thermos House : www.thermos.com.hk/store1/

蟹柳 2條
烏冬 1包
粟米 40克
火腿 1片
小青瓜 1/2條
芝麻 少許

1. 青瓜、火腿切絲。
2. 燜燒罐注入熱水,加蓋,略搖晃,靜置1分鐘。
3. 倒出水,放入烏冬、蟹柳,注入熱水,加蓋,略搖晃,靜置10-15分鐘。
4. 瀝出水份。
5. 將蟹椰撕成條。
6. 放上青瓜絲、火腿絲、蟹柳絲、粟米、芝麻醬、芝麻,拌勻即可。
雞蛋 3個
鰹魚高湯/牛奶 1湯匙
砂糖 1茶匙
日本醬油 1茶匙

1. 將雞蛋、牛奶、糖、醬油混合均勻。
2. 燒熱油鍋,掃上少許油。
3. 倒入蛋漿,鋪勻於平底鑊。
4. 底部凝固後,將蛋捲起來,留少許尾部。
5. 再次掃上油,倒入蛋漿,將蛋卷微微盛起,讓蛋液流到底部。
6. 重複步驟,直至蛋液全部倒入。
7. 整理形狀,完成。
腸仔 1條

1. 腸仔切半。
2. 在腸仔底部切米字。
3. 熱水,放入腸仔炙熟即可。
牛奶 20毫升
蛋 3顆
冷水 600毫升
低筋麵粉 200克

章魚 約160克
椰菜 1/4個
蔥 2根
紅薑 適量
天婦羅碎麵衣 30克

美乃滋 適量
柴魚片 適量
紫菜碎 適量

1. 章魚切粒;椰菜去芯,切絲;蔥切粒。
2. 將蛋拌勻,加入低筋麵粉攪拌。
3. 慢慢倒入冷水,拌勻至糊狀。
4. 倒入牛奶拌勻。
5. 將蔥粒、紅薑、天婦羅碎麵衣倒入麵糊。
6. 烤盤開中火,塗上油,烤熱至冒出白煙。
7. 倒入麵糊,放上章魚、椰菜絲。
8. 待麵糊呈半熟狀態,開始將章魚燒逐一翻面。
9. 反覆轉動章魚燒,燒至熟透呈金黃色。
10. 依個人喜好,放上章魚燒醬汁、沙律醬、木魚碎、紫菜碎即可。
【Cold Udon With Sesame Dressing 】
Crab sticks 2pcs
Udon 1 pack
Corn 40g
Ham 1 slice
Small Cucumber 1/2
Sesame a little

1. Shred cucumber and ham.
2. Fill the Food Jar with hot water, cover it, shake it slightly, and wait for 1 minute.
3. Pour out the water. Put Udon and crab sticks. Add hot water, cover it, shake slightly, and wait for 10-15 minutes.
4. Drain off the water.
5. Tear the crab stick
6. Put shredded cucumber, shredded ham, shredded crab stick, corn, sesame dressing, and sesame seeds, and mix well.
Eggs 3pcs
Bonito stock/Milk 1 tbsp
Sugar 1 tsp
Japanese Soy Sauce 1 tsp

1. Mix eggs, milk, sugar and soy sauce evenly.
2. Heat up the oil pan and brush with a little oil.
3. Pour in the egg mixture and spread evenly in the pan.
4. After the bottom is solidified, roll up the egg, leaving a little part .
5. Sweep the oil again, pour in the egg mixture, lift up the egg roll slightly, and let the egg liquid flow to the bottom part.
6. Repeat the steps until all the egg liquid is poured in.
7. Arrange the shape and done.
【Sausage in Octopus Shape】
Sausage 1 pcs

1. Cut the sausage in half.
2. Cut in star at the bottom of the sausage.
3. Put sausage in hot water and done.
【Takoyaki 】
Batter Milk 20ml
Eggs 3 pcs
Cold water 600ml
Low gluten flour 200g
Stuffing Octopus about 160g
Broccoli 1/4
Shallots 2 pcs
Red Ginger Appropriate amount
Tempura Batter 30g

Sauces and Toppings
Takoyaki sauce proper amount
Mayonnaise proper amount
Bonito flakes proper amount
Chopped seaweed proper amount

Octopus Balls
1. Dice the octopus; remove the core and shred the cabbage; dice the green onion.
2. Mix the eggs well, add low-gluten flour and stir.
3. Slowly pour in cold water and mix well.
4. Pour in the milk and stir.
5. Put the diced green onion, red ginger, and chopped tempura into the batter.
6. Turn on the medium heat of the pan, painted with oil, and bake until white smoke comes out.
7. Pour in the batter, add octopus and shredded cabbage.
8. When the batter is half-cooked, start turning the Takoyaki one by one.
9. Turn the Takoyaki repeatedly until it is cooked through and turns golden brown.
10. Add Takoyaki sauce, salad dressing, shredded bonito, and shredded seaweed by personal preference.
#thermoshk #飯盒食譜 #飯盒 #日式便當 #健康豐富 #涼拌胡麻烏冬 #玉子燒 #章魚小丸子 #LunchBox #DIY便當

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