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小朋友幾歲開始適合轉用吸管杯?答案係8個月!!! ...
各位家長, 係時候為小朋友揀開學用品喇!除咗買齊文具之餘,都唔好唔記得為佢準備合適嘅午餐用具呀。 THERMOS 嘅粉紅色小獅子真空便當盒就啱晒啦!便當盒入面有齊菜盒、飯盒和湯盒,方便隔開唔同餸菜。 等你嘅小朋友食完午餐後,就可以好似小獅子咁充滿元氣繼續上堂! 趁THERMOS專門店Back to School 優惠期間,即可以$248 (原價: $498)入手,千祈唔好錯過喇! 產品: 小獅子800毫升真空便當盒 (JBC-803L-PK) 零售點:...
Lunch Kit Recipe – Salmon stuffed mushrooms, Rice, Baby Chinese Cabbage in White Sauce...
Product: Tritan 710ml Shaker Bottle – Pale Green (TP4086-BG) 【Ingredients】 Mango / 2pcs Butterfly Pea...
Product: 400ml Vacuum Insulated Food Jar (JBQ-401) Materials: Vermicelli/1 bundle Carrot/30g Bonito Soup Dry Buns/1pc...
Product: 800ml Vacuum Insulated Lunch Kit (JBC-801-CP) Boiled vegetables with bonito sauce Material: Cauliflower/30g...
Product: 400ml Vacuum Insulated Food Jar – Vanilla (JBQ-401-VAN) 【Ingredients】 Winter Melon / 70g (Washed...
Product: 700ml Tritan Bottle (TCSD-700-BG) 【Ingredients】 Genmaicha Tea Bag / 2 Bags (Soaked in hot...
Product: JNL series Vacuum Insulated Bottle 【Material】 Figs / 2 pieces Dry yam / 3...
上班一族每日都要開會,同唔同人溝通,講到口都乾晒。不過勤力工作之餘,都記得要定期補充水份, 保持身體健康呀!THERMOS 嘅真空保溫瓶返工就啱晒啦!保溫瓶只有17.5 cm高,細細個樽,方便攜帶。 佢嘅曲線瓶身設計,易握又唔滑手。黑色、白色兩款保溫瓶都咁大方得體,帶埋佢去見客都唔失禮! 產品: JOE系列360毫升真空保溫瓶(JOE-360-CGY/PRW) 零售點: THERMOS專門店: www.thermos.com.hk/store1/ THERMOS網上商店: https://www.thermos.com.hk/shop/...