網上商店送貨服務只適用於香港及澳門。eShop delivery service is only available for Hong Kong and Macau area. Dismiss


Thermos (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. is the exclusive distributor of THERMOS products in Hong Kong and Macau, and the products are only sold at the following authorized sales outlets:
THERMOS Online Shop: https://www.thermos.com.hk/shop/
THERMOS store: https://www.thermos.com.hk/store1
THERMOS major department store counters: https://www.thermos.com.hk/store2
The Club / Club Like:
https://www.theclub.com.hk/shopping/zh/discovery-page.html?___store=zh_Hant_HK&gclsrc=aw.ds&&cid=sem_11498713912&adgroupid=110613966685&creative=648271573380&device=c&gclid=EAIaIQob ChMI5dzn67ucgAMVvWAPAh3Z3gGuEAAYASAAEgLED_D_BwE
CLP Domeo:
https://www.hktvmall.com/hktv/zh/main/%E8%86%B3%E9%AD%94%E5%B8%AB/s/H0273001?page=0&q=%3Alive-time-asc% 3Astore%3AH0273001%3Astreet%3Amain%3A
Cathay Asia Miles:
Mango Mall:
All products sold at recognized sales outlets can enjoy the protection in the warranty terms with the original purchase receipt.
In order to ensure the interests of Thermos customers, customers are suggested to carefully distinguish promotional information other than Thermos sales outlets.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
Customer Service Center Hotline: (+852) 2608 0880
Our office hours are: Monday to Friday, 1000 – 1700 (lunch time 13:00 – 14:00)
Email: customer-service@thermos.com.hk
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